Before we come to earth in our physical bodies, we design an outline for our lives with different scenarios. These events and themes are me-focused for our spiritual growth and soul evolution. Our entire human existence is predestined from this Me-Perspective in...
Is a Dragon Personality a new spin on the Chinese zodiac? Is this a Game of Thrones personality quiz? Not quite. … We all have a person or people in our lives that bring out very strong reactions in us. As with a dragon, their fire-breathing words and actions...
In our book, We Got It All Wrong: we conversed with many spirits on different levels of transition. In one session, we worked with Hal, a crossed over spirit who is currently working on the other side with at-risk-youths and is also a dear old friend of Beverly’s....
“Don’t get in the boat with them!” I stop and say this to many of my clients and friends. Of course, they look at me like I’m mad. I say this when they tell me about a situation they are facing, such as, the demise of their sister’s marriage, or the diagnose of...