Video Library
Excerpt from the book:
We Got It All Wrong
We Got It All Wrong
Jesus’ Ball of Grief
This video excerpt is a remembrance by Kym, one of the authors of the book, We Got It All Wrong: death and grief, heaven and hell and mental illness by Hafemeister & McBride.
Excerpt from the book:
We Got It All Wrong
We Got It All Wrong
How our grief holds our loved ones back
In the book, We Got It All Wrong: death and grief, heaven and hell and mental illness by Hafemeister & McBride, we explore many topics including the feelings of grief.
Mainsteam Intuition Radio:
Debut Show
Debut Show
A show that gives a glimpse of what two psychics talk about together.
The girls share:
- How they got into being psychics
- Linda’s entry point to psychic abilities was through astrology
- The premise that the ability to tap into our psychic abilities might be caused by a traumatic situation
Mainsteam Intuition Radio:
Show #2
Show #2
- The girls define what Spirit Guides are.
- Kym shares her first experience with Mediumship while at a B&B where her body is taken over and her physical body morphed into the physicality of the dead person.
- Kym talks about her life-long fear of death and how it was healed by one event.
Mainsteam Intuition Radio:
Show #3
Show #3
- Linda shares her life-long research into different faiths
- They talk about trans-channeling (letting someone into your body).
- A channeling of Moses
Mainsteam Intuition Radio:
Show #4
Show #4
- They discuss learning to be a psychic through training.
- Linda describes her journey of tracking her dreams in a desire to become a psychic.
- One of Linda’s dreams came true; two days before it happened, she predicted the location where Skylab would re-enter the earth’s atmosphere in Perth, Australia.